Frequently Asked Questions

ALL are welcome at Palmyra United Methodist Church!

What time is Sunday Worship?
We have two services, one at 8:30am and one at 11:00am; both are tranditional. 

Is there Sunday School?
We have Sunday School for adults at 9:45. The children are invited to be a part of the 11:00 worship service until the “Children’s Moment”. Following this special time for the kids, they are then invited to go to Children's Church if they so desire. 
Is there a nursery?
Yes, it is available for worship at 11:00am. 
What should I wear?
Dress in a manner that is comfortable for you. "It doesn't matter." says the Pastor
When is Holy Communion offered; who may participate?
We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month.  As well as special days, or upon request.
ALL can participate; member, nonmember, adult, children.  
Where do Palmyra’s funds come from?
Nearly all of Palmyra’s funds come from regular contributions by members, friends and visitors. This is accomplished by the “envelope system” set up for weekly giving. Some give weekly, while others give the first of the month or quarterly. Special offerings occur throughout the course of the year for the missions we support, locally and abroad.
How do I decide how much money to give to the church?
Work that out between you and God.  2 Corinthians 9:7:  "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
Are my contributions Tax Deductible?
Yes, contributions are deductible as permitted by Federal Law. You will receive an annual statement of your giving from the Church for your records. 
Sacraments in the United Methodist Church
The two sacraments recognized by United Methodists are Baptism and Holy Communion. A sacrament is distinct in that it describes an initiative of God toward human beings and not a decision that human beings have made about God. God has made the initiative to accept persons as "His own," and the symbol for that is Baptism. God has made the initiative to love and relate to "His own" more deeply through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross and His resurrection. The symbol for that is Holy Communion. Other services in the church such as marriage have to do with decisions that human beings make and are called orders, not sacraments. 
  • Baptism: In the United Methodist Church, all manner of Baptism is acceptable from infant to adult.  The sacrament is a sign of God's acceptance, whether it is in a river or in a sanctuary. Babies are baptized as a sign of God's acceptance of them (before they are of the age to make a decision). In the service, parents usually commit to live worthy spiritual lives before their children and agree to bring them up under the guidance and the influence of the church.
  • Holy Communion: Anyone, including children, may participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion. It is not dependent upon church membership, denomination or baptism. As in Baptism, God makes the initiative. This initiative is to connect with human beings. All who love God are invited to respond.