Visitor FAQs

We hope the answers to the following questions will help make your visit more comfortable.  

What will the worship service be like?
Vibrant! The service begins as you enter the Sanctuary and prepare your hearts and minds for worship by greeting, sharing and laughing with one another. Or, you might choose to sit quietly and listen to the music. The 8:30 service is more casual while the 11:00 service is more traditional.
What will the music be like?
Beautiful!  We do not limit our congregational music to any one style (traditional, contemporary, etc.), our talented music leaders employ excellent music of every genre as they weave the classics with new favorites. On any given Sunday the music will be led by our organ, piano, acoustic guitars, violin, or voices alone.  
How long are the worship services?
The 8:30 service is usually about a hour while the 11:00 service is a hour to hour and a quarter.
What should I wear to Palmyra UMC?
Wear whatever makes you comfortable. You will see men in suits and ties as well as golf shirts and slacks. You will see women in dresses as well as slacks. “Mortals look on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)
Do I have to be a member of Palmyra to take Communion?
No. This is not our table; this is Christ’s table! All men, women and children are invited to celebrate the sacrament.
Where do my children go during the worship service?
All children may attend the various worship services with their parents, though our children’s ministry does provide an exciting experience for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and boys and girls of all ages.  Children’s Church is offered during the 11:00 AM service and children are dismissed from the sanctuary early in the worship service following the "Children's Moment". 
Where do I park?
We have a parking lot behind the buildings, however most people park on the street in front of the church or around the court square.
Want to know more about Palmyra UMC?
Please speak with one of our ushers or Pastor Gorman. They will be glad to discuss Palmyra UMC with you. Also, please call us at (434) 589-1700 or email They are here to help us all grow in our faith!