Commitment to Membership
Our lives in faith are lived in response to the grace of Jesus Christ. This response is seen in time set aside for scripture reading and prayer. It is seen in the relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers reflecting the love and grace of God. Faith is never just between an individual and God.
Jesus calls unto the community of faith, the church. The church provides the community in which we worship, study, and support one another in our faith. The five membership vows are the framework in which our life is lived out in community. As we live out these vows, our congregation strives to know and do the will of God.
As you consider each vow, there are suggestions about how to live out that particular vow. Spend some time prayerfully thinking about how you can live out that vow. Our faith is a process of growth. As your faith grows, so will the challenge to live it out. Begin where you can and take the time regularly to consider where you may be asked to take a step forward.
You are invited to give serious thought and prayer to the vows of membership. It lists some of the possible ways of interpreting the vows. The purpose of putting this before you is to help you find concrete ways to live out your faith in the life of our church. You are encouraged you to prayerfully interpret these vows as God leads you.
You can become a member by:
1. Profession of faith - If you’ve never been a member of any church, you can join us by professing Jesus Christ as your Savior. We believe in one baptism, so if you have been baptized “rebaptism” is not necessary.
2. Renewal of vows - If you once belonged to a church but are currently inactive, you can join by renewing your Christian vows.
3. Transfer of membership - Members of a United Methodist church or another denomination may have their membership moved to our church.
Members promise to serve this congregation by prayers, presence, gifts, witnessing and service.